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Jijitha Anand is an Software tester by Profession . She has 5+ years of testing experience.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Automation Testing

Automation Testing:-

Automation Testing means using automation tools for executing the test case. Here the machine performs testing in place of a human being. The automation software can also enter test data into the System Under Test, compare expected and actual results and generate detailed test reports.

Which Testcase to Automate:-

1) Testcase Critical for Business2) Repeatedly executed test case3) If test case has prerequisite test case already automated

When do you run the automated test cases:-

Running an Automated test case varies from project to project. Automation testing is done in many phases.
1)     When the environment is created for testing, the automation test suite is run to check the stability of the environment in which testing needs to be carried out. 

2)     Regression testing, Santinty testing, smoke testing e.t.c, and few testing types were automation testing is carried out. 
3)     The automation test suite is executed in the Maintenance phase.

4)The automated test case is executed every day or fourth night depending on the projects. 

How does selenium work?

There are three major steps carried out in selenium or any automation tool to work:-

1)Identification( Identifion of web element using locators)
2)Action( sendkey(), click action)
3)Validation (checking the result)


Locator is a command that tells Selenium IDE which GUI elements ( say Text Box, Buttons, Check Boxes, etc) it needs to operate on. The identification of correct GUI elements is a prerequisite to creating an automation script. Locators are way to identify the element from the web screen.

Different types of:- 

  ID Locator:
  Name Locator:
  Class Name Locator:
  Tag Name Locator:
  Link Text Locator:
  Partial Link Text:
  CSS Selector Locator:

  XPath Locator:

ID and XPath are the most used Locators.

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